How much does a delivery cost?

Bringing a new member to the family is one of the most important things. Crying, joy, smiles, bottles, clothes, toys, cradle, etc. Everything seems happiness; However, how much does a delivery cost? This process involves expenses that will significantly affect the family’s finances.

According to the Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros (Condusef), the arrival of a baby can cost up to 6,500 USD if the expenses made during pregnancy are added for concepts such as: medical consultations, vitamins, laboratory studies , medical expenses of childbirth or caesarean section, diapers, food, clothing and special equipment for the new member of the family.

Therefore, before taking this step it is extremely important to ask if your pocket is prepared to financially face the arrival of a baby.

Ideally, people should design a specific budget before waiting for the new member of the family, which could prevent basic needs, contingencies, eventual expenses and even future protection for the newborn.

Good news

The first thing to do when knowing about the next arrival of a baby in the family is a prenatal check-up; however, only two out of every 10 people with a high socioeconomic level do so.

“Prenatal follow-up is expensive and includes consultation, ultrasound, markers for congenital malformations, ultrasound to detect malformations in the first 12 weeks of life and costs from 200 USD.”

Subsequently, visits to the gynecologist are made once a month throughout the pregnancy. Laboratory tests, ultrasound, delivery or cesarean, medical fees, if applicable, pediatrician and vaccines should be done.

Packages and Insurance

To avoid damaging your pocket and have more peace of mind, there are packages and maternity insurance. These can prevent different complications that occur before, during or after delivery. The packages, in general, cover the delivery and the cesarean, as the case may be.

There are several packages of attention to marriages waiting for a baby.

“The care packages for childbirth cost 1,000 USD and it is easy to pay in eight monthly payments. The caesarean care package is priced at 1,300 USD, also at eight months, plus there are several options for months without interest, “he said.

Regarding insurance, the different policies that are on the market usually include maternity, which covers a percentage of the expenses in case you are going to be a mother.

By company policies, the insurance will cover maternity expenses, as long as you have contracted the policy at least 10 to 12 months prior to the date of birth. If the insurance contract is given in the months that you have already become pregnant, it will not be valid.

The cost of major medical insurance varies according to the company, the insured amount, coinsurance and the deductible. In the market there are options for all pockets ranging between 400 and 750 USD, with the option of semi-annual, quarterly or monthly payment.

Ideally, all people should acquire insurance for major medical expenses, to deal with what may occur during pregnancy and afterwards, but the culture of prevention is necessary.

“Caesarean sections can cost from 2,500 to 4,000 USD in a renowned hospital and include the expenses of the gynecologist, pediatrician, anesthesiologist, operating room, days of hospital stay and nursery, among other services.”


Saving tips with the infant at home

With the arrival of the baby at home, the expenses increase significantly. The Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros recommends following some points to avoid unnecessary expenses in products such as diapers, bottles, milk and clothes.

Buy clothes of larger sizes, so you will not spend so often in this line because in the first months the child grows very quickly.

Do not buy diapers from stage zero because they will surely stay new, those from advanced stages are better. In the babyshowers ask for stage 2 and 3 diapers, this will save money.

You can decorate a room without investing a lot of money in it. Accept the crib, the bassinet, the stroller or the chair for the family car, this will avoid spending too much.

You can optimize some materials, such as wet wipes, if you cut them in half at the time of use.